вторник, 31 декабря 2019 г.


Feb 28, Oshimen: Feb 8, Location: Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Kimi wa Boku da Maeda Atsuko. Galaxy Red , Mar 24, Kimi wa Boku da Music Video acchan migikata

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Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here As expected of Aachan. Setlist from Today 4. Log in or Sign up.

Feb 1, Location: This site uses cookies. Email required Address never made public.

I wonder she also cried during migikata and MC. You are commenting using your Google account. Notify miigkata of new posts via email. Jul 30, Location: Nov 8, Location: TrinuApr 1, Your name or email address: Kuroi TenshiMar 31, Please read the state of the forum here and support if you can!

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Kimi wa Boku da Act. Feb 8, Location: MaedaOshiMar 31, Galaxy RedMar 24, The title seems so symbolic, even though I have yet to understand the lyrics.

Sep 15, Location: Rinca00Mar 31, She also performed some of her past songs that I love even though she didn't perform 2 of my favs, Yoake Made and Aishisugiru to, but it's fine XD.

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Feb 28, Oshimen: Oh, and the random Migikaat moment, I love it!!! Galaxy RedMar 30, You are commenting using your Twitter account.

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Nippon Gaijin Japanese music, shows, and more! Kimi wa Boku da off vocal ver. Zubrowaka to Half Moon M Acchan looks so beautiful, and I love her outfits too. You can tell she loves and cherish her fans so much. Yes, my password is: Do you already have an account?

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